How to Embrace Your Natural... NOW!
If you are reading this, one of the following statements is most likely true:
- You have natural curly, kinky, or coily hair
- You are transitioning to natural hair, or
- You are considering going natural
If you fit one of these descriptions, then this book was written just for you! With Get ShidaNaturalized!, you will overcome common challenges almost every "naturalista" or "naturalisto" experiences with having natural curly, kinky or curly hair.
In this book, you will learn how to:
- Properly cleanse and condition your hair so your curls are soft and manageable
- Achieve frizz free curls so your curly q’s are no longer mistaken for a poofy lion’s mane
- Properly moisturize your hair so breakage, brittleness, and dryness are a thing of the past
- Style your natural curly hair so you save money not going to the salon but looks like you did
- Achieve maximum growth so your hair growth goals become a reality
- Understand ingredients so you know what may be preventing you from having healthy hair
“Learn about your hair today, so you can love it tomorrow!”